Don't let her obsession with checking voicemail concern you. It's just that she doesn't want to miss anything. Ever. You can see that in her work. In her desk. In her life. Maybe that's why she's still friends with clients from 20 years ago. They keep in touch. They keep calling. She keeps checking her messages.
Some of us are right brained, some left. Jaimie's both. It started with the degree in industrial design and was cultivated over two decades of leading communication and brand strategy programs. It's the way she marries creative expression to the strategic development process. Like peanut butter and jelly.
Jaimie's the first person in the room to pose the question everyone else is embarrassed to ask, the first to say, "I don't know." It breaks the ice and makes others feel more comfortable, but it's also the beginnings of dialogue. Get them talking; get to a solution.
And with 24 years of experience at international design consultancy Fitch, Inc., working with the Fortune 500 and start-up firms alike, you know her questions, her admissions, and her declarations are getting you somewhere.
From apparel to home furnishings, technology to financial services, Jaimie's worked with Hush Puppies, Iomega, Lee Jeans, Doncaster, Thomasville, Sauder, Compaq, Xerox, Ask Jeeves, Bank One, Huntington National Bank.