Our Clients:

With their meat snack brands losing share to new competition, ConAgra needed to make a confusing collection of brands into a family that made sense in the marketplace. Slim Jim was the leader of the pack and the number one consumer-recognized brand in the category.

We started by asking questions. About meat snacks, about snacks, about eating. We studied data and visited food stores. We didn't just get answers; we got insights, insights that hinted to trends about to emerge.

This helped us paint a picture of the emerging role of snacking in everyday eating, and what that meant for meat snacks. Talking to consumers filled in the fine details; they told us what they really thought, how they used the products, where and when they bought them.

By this time we were armed and ready to help ConAgra articulate what Slim Jim and its other brands really stand for: an experience, an indulgence, a memory of good times. We used words and imagery to bring the new vision to life with emotion and clarity.

We turned their heads. And we helped them see the breadth of their market, understand the emotional ties to their brands, and make the most of their market clout.

Leading with the Slim Jim brand, ConAgra shared its new thinking to a skeptical trade audience and demonstrated how the family of meat snack brands (Pemmican, Penrose, and Slim Jim) could co-exist and cater to different consumers.

They began to look like the leader again.