With its management, structure and culture evolving, Huntington Bank needed help redefining its business. We got them talking. To each other. Exploring who they wanted to be.
We led workshops that helped them articulate the bank's strengths and challenges. To identify the aspirations of its associates and its customers. To focus on a direction for the future.
We helped them define their vision. And share it with everyone.
They needed tools. A video that communicated the brand at an emotional level. Posters. Meaningful messages that employees would actually read. Short picture books that brought the customer experience to life.
Talk turned into defined, planned action. Test-driving real scenarios of the new vision included advertising that communicated Huntington's renewed commitment to serving customers. Every associate became part of the solution.
On the outside, customers began to recognize and respond positively to the changes Huntington was making.
Barriers fell. Credibility grew. And buy-in came naturally.
Huntington reinvented itself.
From the inside out.